
Ignis Doublestaff 80 HD

عالية الدقة بكسل الموظفين مزدوجة. 2 في 1: يمكن تحويلها إلى 2 مجموعات من بوي الرقمية

Ignis Doublestaff 80 HD
US $1,274
US $1,499
   اشتري الآن
الأصناف المباعة إلى البلدان 85
LED الدعائم متجر على الانترنت
Video Demonstration
مجموعة تتضمن
4 نقاط يجب ملاحظتها أثناء اختيار معدات البكسل
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تحميل الموسيقى الصور، والجداول الزمنية تحرير البصرية (تسلسل الصور التي تم تحميلها)

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مركز الدعم
Ignis بكسل

جسم البولي كربونات قوي كدرع الشرطة

مصابيح LED عالية الجودة تستخدم لشاشات LED

خيار بدء المزامنة اللاسلكية والتحكم الكامل

عدة ساعات من عمر بطارية الليثيوم القابلة لإعادة الشحن

شحن بوي وتحميل الصور من خلال USB

أعلى كثافة LED - 2.15 مم

أعلى دقة في العالم - 256 بكسل

موثوق بها، وحام عززت من جميع المكونات

مؤشر الشحن يعمل في أوضاع مختلفة

مقابض حلقة لينة مصنوعة من حبال تسلق أنبوبي عالية الجودة

Absolutely stunning product! By far the most advanced and clear pictures pixel poi out there. If you like to spin staff and poi this'll work in your favor because you're able to connect your poi into staff. Definitely the best top of the line poi you can get, the images are beautiful :) not to mention they have amazing customer service
Very happy with my 80HDs! The software is straight forward, the poi are bright, but the most important thing; that pixed density! OMG its so good! 80px in 23cm, so almost 4 pixels per cm! Also the practice poi that i got with them are a real help, that feeling when you slip up with visaul poi and they clash..... now i can practice with out fear of damage to my visuals! THANK YOU IGNIS!!
Amazing!! Truely the most durable and the most advanced LED flow toys out there!! Most definitely worth the money! Ignis is allowing me to advance my performing career and bring even more creativity to performances! Not to mention they respond quick and are always there to help me.
I love my staff ,I even want another one w more leds
I'm so looking forward to get mine. This stuff is amazing and the costumer service have been very helpful and nice.
Well done guys.
Very cool product od recommend it. Love the patterns
I got my Ignis pixel doubles staff about 2 months ago. I spent months leading up to purchasing the staff talking closely with Dina, nervous to make the purchase as I had already bought a staff from a famous competing company, and as awesome as it was,, felt it was not quite worth the high ticket price pixel props demand.
I met a fellow staffer at a festival in the fall and we couldnt help but trade props and try out the competition. I gotta say, I fell in love. It was smooth, light, but still heavy enough that it carries momentum, and well balanced even through the add on connecting staff piece.

I was convinced I had to buy it. My next upgrade would be doubles, and I would get them. I went home and a few months later I did the thing. I bought another expensive staff.

Dina walked me th...
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الأسئلة المتداولة
What about warranty?

We give 1-year warranty for most of our products (for Jump Rope - 6 months/20.000 jumps, whatever comes first), 15-day moneyback period and free technical services including free repairs during warranty period. If there is something wrong with your props, please get in touch with our support team by email: support@ignispixel.com

Can I transform poi into a staff/nunchaku?

All models are convertible. Short poi (32Tech, 48Lite, 80HD Tech) can be used a nunchaku, just change the loop. Attach poi to a staff connector and you get a staff. 

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